More Life Health Blog - Discussing Seniors' Exercise, Health, Fitness, & More!
Simple Seated Leg Strengthening Exercises For Seniors
After my last video I posted with seated and standing leg strengthening exercises, I got many requests for a new, full seated leg strengthening exercise video.
Today, I have created a brand new seated leg strengthening exercise video. This video goes for 13 minutes, and we go through some great seated leg exercises.
Now, if you can do standing exercises, it’s important to do standing exercises as well to keep your legs as strong as possible.
Seated Leg Strengthening Exercises For Seniors
After my last video I posted with seated and standing leg strengthening exercises, I got many requests for a new, full seated leg strengthening exercise video.
So today, I have created a brand new seated leg strengthening exercise video. This video goes for 13 minutes, and we go through some great seated leg exercises.
Now, if you can do standing exercises, it’s important to do standing exercises as well to keep your legs as strong as possible.
However, for seated leg exercises, these are the exercises to do!
So get your legs moving with these exercises, and YOU WILL feel the difference! And as always, let me know how you went!
To get moving with me, click the video below.
Remember, consistency and progression with exercise is key!
Stay moving! and I’ll see you soon!
- Mike
Simple Leg Exercises For Seniors (Seated and Standing)
Improve your leg strength with these seated and standing leg exercises for seniors. Enhance your mobility, balance, and coordination while reducing fall risks and discomfort. Incorporate these leg strengthening into your weekly routine for best results.
Simple Leg Exercises For Seniors (Seated and Standing)
When your legs are stronger, you will feel the difference in your daily life.
You’ll be moving around much easier!
Your balance and coordination will improve!
You will decrease your risk of falls!
And stronger legs can help with pain symptoms!
Strengthening your legs should be a priority in your exercise program each week, and today I have created a new video with leg strengthening exercises to help ensure you’re improving your leg strength. These 14 minutes exercises are seated and standing. We also go through a little balance at the end.
To get moving with me, click the video below.
Remember, consistency and progression with exercise is key!
Stay moving! and I’ll see you soon!
- Mike
Simple Leg Exercises For Stronger Legs
In this video, we go through a simple leg workout that you can do daily to strengthen your legs.
Daily Leg Exercises for Seniors
Follow along with me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for these leg exercises that you can do daily to strengthen your legs.
Strong legs are essential to good movement and preventing falls. By spending a short amount of time each day, you can get those legs strong and keep them strong, and you WILL feel the difference.
Here is a simple and short 7-minute new exercise video, to get you moving and your legs strong.
In this video we cover:
Give this simple leg exercise a go and let me know how you went.
- Mike
Leg Exercises For Seniors | Leg, Knee & Hip Exercises For Seniors | (Includes Single-Leg Exercises)
In this video, we through both double-leg and single-leg exercises to help get your legs stronger.
Leg Exercises For Seniors
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this lower body exercise video which includes both double-leg and single-leg exercises to get your legs stronger.
It's important to include single-leg exercises to strengthen up both legs-equally, with only double leg exercises you could be using one side more than the other.
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Stronger Legs With Just One Exercise!
I want to remind you that getting the results you are after through exercise doesn't have to come from long, hard workouts!
Most of the time, if you just keep it simple, focus on the basics and stay consistent, you can achieve GREAT results in all aspects of your fitness.
Let's take stronger legs for example.
You can achieve the strength you want in your legs by just doing ONE exercise.
I want to remind you that getting the results you are after through exercise doesn't have to come from long, hard workouts!
Most of the time, if you just keep it simple, focus on the basics and stay consistent, you can achieve GREAT results in all aspects of your fitness.
Let's take stronger legs for example.
You can achieve the strength you want in your legs by just doing ONE exercise.
Yep... If you prefer shorter workouts, you can forget all the other leg exercises, focus on the right exercise, stay consistent and watch your leg strength improve..... And improve much faster than if you were doing less effective exercises.
To prove my point, here is a workout where we go through a leg routine with just ONE exercise to help get you stronger legs. To access the workout click here, or the picture below.
For stronger legs, give this workout a go, do it at least 3x a week, and watch your legs get stronger...... Simple!
For those times you're just not feeling like exercising, I'm sure you can manage to do a short routine like this!
Why this exercise (the Sit-To-Stand) works to give you a great leg workout is because it is a compound exercise, which means it works more than one group of muscles (all the muscles in your legs actually).
You could also substitute the Sit-To-Stand exercise we do in this workout for Squats to improve your leg strength, with fewer exercises. The squat is another great compound exercise, working all the muscles in your legs.