More Life Health Blog - Discussing Seniors' Exercise, Health, Fitness, & More!
10 Minute Low Impact Seated Exercises for Seniors
In this video, we go through seated chair gentle, low-impact exercises working the whole body, outdoors!
beginner 10 minute seated WORKOUT for seniors
Follow along with me (Mike - Physiotherapist) in Australia for these seated chair gentle, low impact exercises working the whole body.
This exercise video is completely seated, can be done by all, and it only goes for 10 minutes! So why not give it a go right now!
It is another video I have recorded outdoors in nature from Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia
To view this video, and get stretching with me, click the video below (or HERE).
Remember, consistency and progression with exercise is key!
Stay moving! and I’ll see you soon!
- Mike
Challenging Balance and Leg Exercises For Seniors (18 Mins)
Here we have an 18-minute balance and leg exercise session for seniors. These balance exercises are a little more challenging! Do your best and stay consistent weekly!
Balance and leg exercises for seniors (challenging)
Here we have an 18-minute balance and leg exercise session for seniors. These balance exercises are a little more challenging! Do your best and stay consistent weekly!
Make sure you do the warm-up before beginning.
Standing Warm-Up: https://youtu.be/b2DYU7ZQgN0
Seated Warm-Up: https://youtu.be/nfGWaRoKr7k
And to help you on your journey to improved health and fitness, join the Facebook Support Community. Click here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/morelifehealth
For a 4-week senior's exercise eBook, plus seniors' health and exercise tips and much, much more. Sign up to More Life Health mailing list: Click Here: https://www.morelifehealth.com/join
To get straight into the workout go to 1:00.
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Complete Seated Body Workout For Seniors (25 Mins)
Get moving with this 25-minute workout for seniors which works your whole body.
There is a quick break halfway through this video. If you need to have a break, pause the video before you get back into it. As you continue with these workouts, you will be feeling less of a need for a break.
25 Minute Seated Workout For Seniors - Seniors Chair Exercises
Get moving with this 25-minute workout for seniors which works your whole body.
There is a quick break halfway through this video. If you need to have a break, pause the video before you get back into it. As you continue with these workouts, you will be feeling less of a need for a break.
Make sure you do the warm-up before beginning. Seated Warm-Up.
Upright rows x 12
Seated One-Arm Row - x 12 Each Arms
Toe Raises into Heel Raises - x 12
Knee extensions with slow tempo and holds x 8
Shoulder Rolls
Knee extensions 3 x 5 seconds, 2x 3-second holds, 1x 7 seconds, 1x 4 seconds
High knee Marching - 30 seconds
Knee flexions x 10 each leg
Opposite arm opposite leg lifts
Reaction time work
Same side arm and leg lifts - 60 seconds
Upright Rows x 12
Seated One-Arm Row - x 12 Each Arms
Heel Raises - x 12
Toe Raises - x 12
Knee extensions 4-second holds
Double knee extensions x 12
Double knee flexions x 12
Reaction Time
Bicep Curls x 12
Shrugs into bicep curl into press x 5
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
14 Minute Exercises For Seniors! | Seniors' Chair Exercises
Here is a workout, working our whole body with some balance, reaction time and some stretching work also.
We get straight into the exercises today. Make sure you do either the seated or standing warm-up before beginning.
Full body workout for seniors - seniors chair exercises
Here is a workout, working our whole body with some balance, reaction time and some stretching work also.
We get straight into the exercises today. Make sure you do either the seated or standing warm-up before beginning.
Standing Warm-Up: https://youtu.be/b2DYU7ZQgN0
Seated Warm-Up: https://youtu.be/nfGWaRoKr7k
Seated Hip Flexions x8 each leg
Seated Knee Extensions x8 each leg
Seated Shoulder Press x 8
Seated Bicep Curl into Shoulder Press x8
Seated Shoulder Roll x 10
Standing Chair Push Up x 8
Standing Hip Extensions x 8 each leg
Standing Bent Over Rows x 8
Squats x 8
Balance - Feet Together - Eyes Closed - 60 seconds
Lateral Steps - x 8 each way
Reaction Time Exercises
Shoulder/ Arm and Spine Stretch - 30 seconds
Hamstring Stretch - 30 seconds Each Leg
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike