Getting Toned - The Secret To Stronger, Toned Arms - Best Arm Exercises For Seniors

Arm toning for seniors - Best arm toning exercises for seniors

A question I commonly get asked is "Which exercises are best to get rid of fat in ______ (certain area)?". 

Or another variation of this question is... "Which exercises are best to get rid of flabby arms?".

And the answer... 

There is no best exercise to get rid of flabby arms. Or to get rid of fat in any specific area.

When doing exercises to target specific areas, you are working the muscles underneath the fat tissue which resides on top of these muscles. You are not working on losing the fat in these areas.

Reducing fat in just one particular area is not possible! (Unless with liposuction).

If you want toned arms, you do need to do specific arm exercises. And, arm exercises should be included in every exercise program.

However, although your muscles may seem firmer after some time doing the exercises, the fat will still remain in these areas, and to lose this fat, you must reduce fat from ALL OVER your body. It's about reducing your overall body fat percentage, not just targeting a specific area

In a nutshell, the formula to do this is: Exercise + Healthy Diet = Decreased Fat.

When you start decreasing fat, the "flab" is going to start coming off all areas of your body, uncovering those strong muscles underneath.

We all store and lose fat differently. The midsection is usually one of the most stubborn areas to shed the fat, while the arms are an area where fat often comes off faster. But this rule may not apply to you!

So do the right exercises and make sure your diet is in check!

When it comes to the right exercises to do for your arms, you can work your arms effectively by doing three simple exercises -- There is no need to overcomplicate it by doing more than this.

In this video, we go through 3 simple exercises to strengthen your arms. At the beginning of this video, I also discuss the secrets to no more flabby arms (toned arms).

We go through three circuits of these exercises - Go at your own pace.

For another arm toning workout - click HERE.

- Mike