More Life Health Blog - Discussing Seniors' Exercise, Health, Fitness, & More!
Leg Exercises For Seniors | Leg, Knee & Hip Exercises For Seniors | (Includes Single-Leg Exercises)
In this video, we through both double-leg and single-leg exercises to help get your legs stronger.
Leg Exercises For Seniors
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this lower body exercise video which includes both double-leg and single-leg exercises to get your legs stronger.
It's important to include single-leg exercises to strengthen up both legs-equally, with only double leg exercises you could be using one side more than the other.
In this video we cover:
Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
Standing Hip Exercises For Seniors | Beginner Hip Exercises
Join Mike, Physiotherapist, for 8-minutes of standing hip exercises for seniors.
Increase mobility & strength - beginner Hip exercises for seniors
Hey everyone, join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for these standing hip exercises for seniors.
In this exercise video, we work the hips.
The hips are an important area of the body to keep strong and moving well!
Today's hips exercises are all standing ones. You may have found in the past, or today, that with certain single-leg standing exercises, for example, hip abductions, or hip extensions (like we do in today's video) or the balance exercises, the opposite side seems to get a workout.
Maybe even more so than the leg that is moving!
This is completely normal! When we do single leg work, the leg that is stationary is now working overtime to keep you stable. You're working your hip stabilisers.
Once you get stronger, after staying consistent with the exercises, you'll notice this muscle fatigue you feel goes away.
- Mike
Seated Hip Exercises For Seniors | Hip Stretches For Seniors
This week we will be working our hips in the seated position
These exercise videos helps stretch and strengthen the muscles of the hips for seniors
seated hip exercises for seniors - stretch, strengthen and relieve hip pain
This week we are working on strengthening and stretching our hips in a seated position.
I know many of you get pain in the hips and these exercises will help!
Warmup - Marching on Spot - 30 seconds
Buttocks Stretch - 30 seconds
Adductor (Groin) Stretch - 30 seconds
Hip Flexions x 10 each leg
Straight Leg Raise x 10 each leg
Isometric Hip Adduction - 5x5 second holds
Isometric Hip Adduction - 5x5 second holds
Hip Extension with resistance band x 10
Hip Abduction with resistance band x 10
Hip Flexion with resistance band x 10
(To get straight into the exercise go to 35 seconds).
Enjoy the exercise and let me know how you go!
- Mike